Some helpful tips to prepare for Back to School….

Holly provides therapy for kids, teens, and families in St. Lawrence County and throughout the greater New York area.

The content on this page is not intended to be medical advice or otherwise. To get help with your unique situation contact Holly to schedule an appointment.

Happy Saturday all!!!!

This last weekend of summer how are you taking care of yourselves?

Are you resting up for the big week ahead?

Back to school week comes once a year but somehow this year seems bigger… In the wake of the pandemic that has, in one way or another, changed each of us I wonder if there is just a little more angst this year.

So I thought I would reach out and say, “yup, me too. I understand!” and offer some support and encouragement to spend a some extra time on self care, extend a little extra grace (to yourself and others), and a whole lot of LOVE to each other this weekend.

Feel free to share what this looks like for you right now and perhaps we’ll inspire, encourage and empower each other…

Self Care is NOT Selfish

I’ll go First……

  • I chose to wear a shirt today that reminds me that I don’t have to perfect to be loved and valued (I added a picture of it).
  • I clipped fresh herbs I’ve been growing to make some infused water that will both hydrate me and make me feel just a little special as I drink it this week.
  • I have given myself permission to flow through my day loosely and resist placing additional pressure on myself to get done a laundry list of to-do’s (the tasks will be there next weekend).
  • And as I am flowing through my day at my own pace and while allowing my mind to drift and dream I have my favorite Playlist (Girl Power ) playing loud. It reminds me that I am strong and beautiful… that I am Awesome!!! (and of course gets me dancing around and smiling at my own sillyness)

Love, Grace, Authenticity…

I feel so empowered as I love on myself, give grace to myself, and practice being exactly who I am in this moment in time…

Be well, and may God bless you with His peace and joy today!

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